The IEEE MEMS Technical Community (TC) held its first hybrid meeting of “Heavy Lifters” on June 26, 2023, at the 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, or Transducers 2023, in Kyoto, Japan. This is the first time Transducers returned to an in-person format since Transducers 2019 in Berlin. The IEEE MEMS TC is a proud technical co-sponsor of this meeting and also had an exhibitor booth to promote awareness and encourage new members to join.
The purpose of this meeting, which took place during lunch and extended into the poster session on the first full day of the conference, was to discuss plans for the TC to transition into a Council or Society. Another purpose was to recruit more members to participate in the biweekly meetings of the “Super Heavy Lifters” group which includes TC officers to prepare the full transition application package. The meeting began with an update detailing activities of the MEMS TC since its start in 2018 to the present day. Then we had a lively discussion about the merits of selecting either a Council or Society followed by an in depth discussion of our draft constitution and bylaws. All invited attendees were given a chance to review these materials prior to the meeting. Substantial progress was made on revisions and additional work on these will continue in our regular biweekly meetings.